Selasa, 08 Februari 2011

Accenture Case Study-Solution 3

Managing Customer Relationship At Bank ABC XY

Accenture Do You now Competition
High Performance. Delivered

The Question
ABC XY Bank combined customer base reaches more than 3 million customers in more than 650 branches. The bank now operates double the volume and at the minimum, needs to maintain its customer base. Your team is asked to evaluate current service operations, segment and analyze the customer base and devise a customer contact blueprint that balances the cost of service with the current and potential value of customer relationships. What would you propose?

Case Definition
ABC XY Bank is the result from merger between Bank X and Bank Y by ABC financial group in Indonesia. The business and IT solutions have been in place and now ABC XY Bank has been ready to operate in a new business, with its vision to be Southeast Asia’s most valued universal bank. But, after the integration, Bank ABC XY is facing complex organizational and workforce transition which cause Bank ABC XY’s performance to be at the minimum and risk to many negative impacts (which is popularly known as valley of despair event). This valley of despair event also reduce Bank ABC XY’s reliability and capability for the customers.
 In the other side, since Bank ABC XY is the result of the merger between two banks, its customers are significantly increased until double volume. After the merger, Bank ABC XY has 3.3 million customers in total, but as has been explained in the first paragraph, Bank ABC XY’s performance is still at the minimum. The change management strategy has been applied to help Bank ABC XY getting out from the valley of despair event, but somehow it will still need some time until Bank ABC XY can totally get out from the valley of despair event. The problem starts here. The condition where Bank ABC XY’s performance, reliability, and capability are at the minimum, combined with the condition where Bank ABC XY is having double amount of customer (reaching 3.3 million customers) makes Bank ABC XY difficult to maintain its customer base. Bank ABC XY’s difficulty to maintain its customer base is the main problem to be solved in this 3rd case.

The Challenge
The challenge is to help ABC XY Bank creating a customer relationship management strategy to help eliminating Bank ABC XY’s difficulty to maintain its customer base. The customer relationship management strategy is expected to maintain the current potential value customer relationships with the lowest cost of service. Mainly, the strategy will be about analyzing and designing an effective customer relationship management process, transforming the process into a CRM SAP (Customer Relationship Management System, Application, Product), implementing and testing the CRM SAP, providing training about the CRM SAP to Bank ABC XY’s employees, migrating the previous customer relationship management datas from Bank X and Bank Y which are required into the CRM SAP, launching the CRM SAP (Go-Live), and finally supporting the use of CRM SAP after the launching (Post Go-Live). In the consulting world, this kind of strategy is often called customer relationship management strategy.  

The Key Areas
In creating customer relationship management strategy for ABC XY Bank, there are three key areas to be prioritized, those are:
A.      Designing Bank ABC XY’s value-oriented strategic customer relationship management process which can maintain the current potential value of customer relationships.
B.      Transforming the customer relationship management process into a reliable CRM SAP
C.      Implementing the CRM SAP to maintain and even increase the value of customer relationships

The Requirements Analysis
Several requirements that have to be analyzed to create the effective customer relationships management strategy are:
A.      Maintaining customer base and its potential value
Since Bank ABC XY is the result of the merger between Bank X and Bank Y, in order to maintain its high-value customer base, the new design of the customer relationship management process for Bank ABC XY must be able to provide consistent-satisfactory products and services for two market segments. Those market segments are corporate market base which was Bank X’s main customer base and consumer & commercial market base which was Bank Y’s main customer base. Besides that, Bank ABC XY’s new customer relationship management process has to maximize the use of currently available products, services, and channels (650 branches, 1267 ATM, and 237 SST).   
B.      Evaluating current service operations
Current service operations of Bank ABC XY is still disintegrated since the integration process between Bank X and Bank Y service operations system is still in the beginning phase. Besides that, Bank X’s service operations system is totally different with Bank Y’s service operations system. The system’s difference is mainly caused by the difference in market segments, the difference in the legacy systems for credit card business alignment, and the difference in network architectures. The IT strategy has been applied to integrate the system, but again since it is still in the beginning phase, the current service operations is still disintegrated. Thus, the new customer relationship management process has to minimize the negative impacts from this disintegrated system to be able to deliver consistent and satisfactory results to the customers.    
C.      Segmenting and analyzing the customer base
Currently, there are two main market segments for Bank ABC XY, those are corporate market segment and consumer & commercial market segment. These market segments are the biggest customer base for Bank ABC XY, thus they must be the main focus in the new customer relationship management process.
D.      Devising a customer contact blueprint
Customer contact blueprint is very essential to maintain the customer base. Customer contact blue print can be devised by creating a structured customer data management. The customer data management will include past business and transaction data of Bank ABC XY’s 3.3 million customer accounts. It will become the element of customer insight for Bank ABC XY. This customer data management will equip Bank ABC XY with the ability to understand customer needs and accurately predict customer behavior. This ability is very essential to capture critical customer data and analyze that data to create deep insights into how Bank ABC XY’s customers behave, how they would like to interact with the Bank ABC XY, and what they truly want and need from the Bank ABC XY. In turn, these insights will determine how Bank ABC XY must interact with its 3.3 million customers in the future, such as what offers/programs to make and what service options to provide. Thus, a structured customer data management must be equipped in the new customer relationship management process and it should be available to any organizational units that have contact with the customer.

The Solution

Figure 1: Impact of Implementing Change Management Strategy

Currently, Bank ABC XY’s customer relationship management’s maturity is still poor (in the red zone). The solution will be applying an effective customer relationship management strategy to improve Bank ABC XY’s customer relationship management’s maturity from poor (red zone) to excellent (green zone). The strategy is consisted of five main steps:
A.      Designing the customer relationship management process
B.      Transforming the designed customer relationship management process into CRM SAP
C.      Preparing for the implementation of the CRM SAP
D.      Launching the implementation of the CRM SAP (Go-Live)
E.       Supporting the implementation of the CRM SAP (Post Go-Live Support)
The strategy must also include how to maximize the utilization of the existing system for an efficient result. Customer relationship management aims to retain and gain more customers without increasing cost, and the strategy should produce that outcome also. Studies show that retaining customers is lesser cost than attracting new ones. It is better to focus on keeping current customers satisfied first because in the long run, when customer loyalty is built, they could help the company attract new customers via word-of-mouth. The proposed customer relationship management strategy will absolutely help Bank ABC XY retaining its current 3.3 million customers and it will even help attracting new customers via word-of mouth.

The Change Management Framework
          Figure 2: Ross Dawson Transformational Customer Relationship Management Methods Framework

The Customer Relationship Management Strategy (The 5 Main Steps)
(In this case, writer will act as the leader for Accenture Customer Relationship Management Team)
The 5 main steps of customer relationship management strategy is created based on Ross Dawson Transformational Customer Relationship Management Methods Framework. The simplification of Ross Dawson Framework is shown in figure 3.

Figure 3: The simplification of Ross Dawson Framework

The customer relationship management strategy is classified into five main steps, those are:
The first phase is about designing the customer relationship management process. Leader will lead a group of business consultants to design the process. Bank ABC XY’s customer relationship management process will be designed based on the results from the requirements analysis which includes the aspect of: maintaining customer base & its potential value, evaluating current service operations, segmenting & analyzing customer base, and devising customer contact blueprint. The process design will also involve every business and organizational aspects which are related to the customer relationship management process. Since the process is required to maintain the customer base and the value of the customer relationship, the process must protect the customer loyalty.
       Figure 4: Customer loyalty protection methods framework
In order to protect the customer loyalty, the process design should also consider the customer loyalty protection methods framework shown in figure 4. Finally, the most important point is that the process must be based on Bank ABC XY’s value and it must be able to achieve the highest customer relationship value with the lowest possible cost of service. This customer relationship process design is the most critical and determining phase in the customer relationship management strategy, thus it should be carefully designed. Milestones and budget management will be set to keep the project on the track.
As the next step, leader will lead a group of system integration and technology consultants to transform the process which has been designed into a CRM SAP. Leader will divide the group of system integration and technology consultants into two group. The first group will be assigned to handle the functional design and the second group will be assigned to handle the technical design. The system integration and  technology group will be responsible to transform the process into a correct and reliable CRM SAP. Milestones and budget management will be regulated to keep the project on the track.
After the correct CRM SAP is produced, the leader will assigned a group to create user manuals for using the CRM SAP. The user manual will be the guidance for Bank ABC XY’s employees who have not been accustomed to use the CRM SAP. Instead of providing user manual, the leader will also provide training about how to use the CRM SAP to Bank ABC XY employees. Training will be given continuously until all of Bank ABC XY’s employees understand well about how to use the CRM SAP. In the end of each training session, there will be an evaluation about the materials taught. The score of the evaluation will be used to determine whether the employees have understood the materials or not.
When the correct and reliable CRM SAP has been produced and all of Bank ABC XY’s employees have understood about how to use it, the implementation of the SAP can be launched, which is also known as Go-Live.
After the CRM SAP has been implemented (which is known as Post Go-Live), leader will assigned some consultants to monitor and support the implementation of the CRM SAP for several months, depending on the needs. These consultants will be responsible for ensuring that the CRM SAP implementation running well and help solving problems if there are problems with the CRM SAP implementation. Besides that, they are also responsible to help Bank ABC XY’s employees being accustomed to use the CRM SAP. The leader will also try to counter resistance and fear from Bank ABC XY’s employees about the use of CRM SAP by assigning the consultants to provide counseling to Bank ABC XY’s employees if needed.

Freeland, John G. Customer Relationship Management: Is It Worth It?. New York: Accenture (accessed on February 7th 2010 21:00) (accessed on February 7th 2010 21:00)
Accenture. 2010. Beijing Telecom: Customer Relationship Management. USA: Accenture
Keenan, Perry & Harold L. Sirkin. 2001. A Road Map for Change. USA: BCG
Accenture. 2003. Managing Change at HP Norway. USA: Accenture
Wells, Denise Lindsey. Strategic Management for Senior Leaders: A Handbook for Implementation. Virginia: The TQL Office (accessed on February 7th 2011 23:30)


8 komentar:

  1. Hi All, those who have read this post are very welcomed to give comments/criticisms/suggestions/questions regarding this post. Thank you for those who have been willing to visit this blog and read this post. Hopefully, this post will enlarge your knowledge about the world of "Management Consulting".

    Kindly regards,
    Hendra (Writer)

  2. Serlina Sari Wijaya9 Februari 2011 pukul 10.55

    Hi Hendra,

    I have just finished reading your post about CRM strategy. Your writing is very good, Hen.. But I don't understand this point :

    "Customer relationship management aims to retain and gain more customers without increasing cost...."

    What I wanna ask is how could it be for not increasing cost when we're implementing new strategy in our company (in this case is CRM SAP). I thought that every new implementation must have made some big spending in our company.
    Can you explain this to me?

    Some additional point : This writing is good in explaining the process of CRM SAP implementation. But it's still too hard for me to get the deeper understanding about CRM and the internal process of CRM itself. Maybe you can explain in more detail, since I think the most important part of this is the essence of CRM itself..

    Thanks a lot, and wish you good luck :))


  3. your writing is the good one Hendra,,, today i've talked with my friend from taiwan and ask about CRM. in implementation CRM SAP may get more spending. you must explain the present of CRM it self. i think it's to early by implementing CRM SAP, beside it get much spending, any simple solution for this?
    Zelmi Ilham

  4. Hi Serlina, thanks for the responses. It was such a nice question :D.
    The statement “Customer relationship management aims to retain and gain more customers without increasing cost” means that: The customer relationship management is intended to help Bank ABC XY maintaining its customers and even gaining more customers using operating cost that doesn’t exceed the sum of Bank X’s past operating cost and Bank Y’s operating cost.
    For example:
    Before the merger/acquisition happened: Bank X had 1.7 million customers with operating cost of 3 billion rupiahs per month and Bank Y had 1.7 million customers with operating cost of 3.5 billion rupiahs/month.
    After the merger happened: Bank X combines with Bank Y becoming Bank ABC XY with 3.4 million customers (1.7 million + 1.7 million). Customer relationship management will help Bank ABC XY maintaining these 3.4 million customers with the operating cost doesn’t exceed 6.5 billion rupiahs/month (3 billion/month + 3.5 billion/month). That’s what the statement actually means.
    You are right about increasing cost when we’re implementing new strategy. At the first time, for creating the customer relationship management strategy and system, the company will have to pay very expensively (usually reach billions rupiahs). But, after the customer relationship management is applied, the expensive price that the company has paid will be returned very fast since the customer relationship management will quickly help improving the amount of customers’ transactions thus improving company’s profit.
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Customer relationship management (CRM) is a widely-implemented strategy for managing a company’s interactions with customers, clients and sales prospects. It involves using technology to organize, automate, and synchronize business processes—principally sales activities, but also those for marketing, customer service, and technical support. The overall goals are to find, attract, and win new clients, nurture and retain those the company already has, entice former clients back into the fold, and reduce the costs of marketing and client service.[1] Customer relationship management describes a company-wide business strategy including customer-interface departments as well as other departments.
    In short, CRM is a strategy to increase sales revenue with the lowes operating cost.
    Thank you very much for the responses, Ser :D

    Kindly regards,
    Hendra (Writer)

  5. Hi Zelmi, thanks for the responses :D.

    Okay, firstly, your statement about much money required for implementing CRM SAP is right. Usually, CRM SAP cost the company until billions rupiahs.
    Secondly, you can see the explanation about CRM in my previous comment for Serlina, Zel.
    Thirdly, I don’t agree with your statement that implementing CRM SAP is too early. Bank ABC XY is a big company with a very big amount of customers (3.3 millions). If Bank ABC XY doesn’t implement the CRM SAP quickly, it may lose its customers, its customer loyalty, and thus lose profits as well. Even though the implementation of CRM SAP is very expensive, it’s okay since the expensive price will be paid back because CRM SAP implementation will really help in improving company’s business and thus improving company’s profits. Fyi, for improving its business, some other company even willing to pay for implementing BI (Business Intelligence) which is much more expensive than SAP because BI is more effective than SAP. Thus, its okay for Bank ABC XY to implement CRM SAP from the very first time because the CRM SAP will help very much.
    Thirdly, of course any simple solution also exist. One of the example is the conventional customer relationship management without using SAP software which is inaccurate, not consistent, inefficient, and time consuming in decision making. While CRM SAP is much more accurate and delivers consistent result, efficient, and fast in decision making, thus it is better to use CRM SAP, even though it is more expensive. Facts also show that using CRM SAP is much better than using conventional SAP.
    I hope that answers, Zel. Once again, thank you for the responses.

    Kindly regards,
    Hendra (writer)

  6. Which step do you think the most challenging to be done? I think the first one about designing, how about you?


  7. hehe nice analysis
    u explain it really well
    but, why u picked SAP as software :-D
    there are so many software that cheaper than SAP

  8. @Indra: Hi Indra, thanks for the response. My opinion is same with you. In my opinion, the first one is about designing the customer relationship management process, the second one is about transforming it into the SAP, and the third one is about implementing the SAP.

    @Ninan: Hi Ninan, hahaha, thank youu :)
    About picking SAP as the software, I pick SAP because most companies picked SAP as their software. Since many companies used it, I consider it as the best one to pick, hehee. Actually, I don't understand well about how to choose the software, hehe ^^. Anyway, thank you very muuuch, Ninaaaan :D
